Covid or Dengue: How to identify the symptoms and warning signs

Covid or Dengue: How to identify the symptoms and warning signs

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Most people with mild Covid and Dengue can recover at home using prescribed medications and remedies.

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The common symptoms of these fevers include- body pain, myalgia, chills, fever, and nausea.

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Covid and dengue are both fevers but they have different warning signs.

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The warning signs of dengue are persistent vomiting, mucosal bleeding, difficulty breathing, and lethargy/restlessness.

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Postural hypotension, liver enlargement and progressive increase in hematocrit can also be seen.

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The warning signs of Covid include difficulty breathing, persistent pain or pressure in the chest, new confusion, inability to wake or stay awake, bluish lips or face.

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Consult your doctor if you witness any warning signs along with a high fever.

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Next : Dengue or Chikungunya: Symptoms to identify the difference between these fevers