7 home remedies for low blood pressure​

7 home remedies for low blood pressure​

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Increase salt intake: Consuming more salt helps retain water, raising blood pressure. Be cautious with salt if you have other health conditions.

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Stay hydrated: Drinking plenty of fluids prevents dehydration, which can cause low blood pressure. Aim for at least eight glasses of water daily.

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Eat small, frequent meals: This helps prevent blood pressure from dropping after eating by stabilising blood sugar levels throughout the day.

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Wear compression stockings: These help improve blood flow to the heart and raise blood pressure, especially when standing for long periods.

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Avoid alcohol: Alcohol can lower blood pressure, so limit consumption or avoid it altogether to maintain healthy levels.

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Exercise regularly: Regular physical activity, especially cardiovascular exercise, helps regulate blood pressure by improving heart function and circulation.

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Increase caffeine intake: Caffeine can temporarily raise blood pressure, so consuming coffee, tea, or caffeinated beverages in moderation may help combat low blood pressure.

Image Source : Freepik

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