5 visible indications of high blood sugar in your feet

5 visible indications of high blood sugar in your feet

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High blood sugar, also known as hyperglycemia, is a condition where the level of glucose in the blood is higher than normal. While this condition can affect the entire body, certain signs can be visible in the feet.

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The first sign is numbness or tingling sensation in the feet, which occurs due to nerve damage caused by high blood sugar levels.

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Another visible sign is dry and cracked skin on the feet, as high blood sugar can lead to decreased moisture in the skin.

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Furthermore, people with high blood sugar may also experience slow healing of wounds and cuts on their feet. This is because high glucose levels can damage blood vessels and impede the body's ability to heal itself.

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Swelling in the feet can also be a sign of high blood sugar, as excess glucose can cause fluid retention in the body.

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Lastly, the appearance of dark spots on the feet, specifically on the toes and ankles, can indicate poor circulation due to elevated blood sugar levels.

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