Saturday, November 09, 2024

Rutgers University NEWS IN ENGLISH

  • deportation a risk in dharun ravi case

    Deportation A Risk In Dharun Ravi Case

    World | Mar 16, 2012, 07:26 AM IST

    New Brunswick, New Jersey, Mar 16:  Jurors deliberating in the hate-crime trial of a former university student accused of webcam spying on his roommate won't be deciding just whether he'll go to prison - they

  • ravi not to take witness stand to defend himself

    Ravi Not To Take Witness Stand To Defend Himself

    World | Mar 13, 2012, 08:37 AM IST

    New York, Mar 13: An Indian-origin student will not take the witness stand to defend himself in his trial for spying on his Rutgers University roommate's sexual encounter with another man as his defence team
