Chunav Manch 2022: Commerce Minister Piyush Goyal today said, "Indian exports had clocked a record first-time ever $675 billion (Rs 50 lakh crore) during last fiscal year, and this year it is going to be more than the previous year's figure."
Replying to questions at the daylong India TV Conclave 'Chunav Manch' in Ahmedabad tonight, Piyush Goyal said, "This year, being the 75th year of Independence, we will again create a new record by crossing last year's $ 675 billion exports figure. This has been possible both in the services and goods sectors, due to the skill and labour of 1.4 billion Indians. India is not going to stop in its march towards progress. anymore."
Goyal said, "I have full hope about India becoming a developed nation by 2047, when India will be celebrating its 100th year of Independence and Indian economy will touch $30 trillion mark. Already there has been a change in mindset of people."
He said, "Electricity has reached most of the homes, piped drinking water is being provided to all homes under Jal Jeevan Mission, cooking gas is reaching almost every home, toilets have been built in most of the homes, more than 3 crore poor people have now got new houses. More than 212 crore Covid vacccines were given to Indians during the pandemic and more than 80 crore people are getting free 5 kg foodgrains at a cost of nearly Rs 4 lakh crore."
Piyush Goyal said, "The double engine governments at the Centre and in Gujarat has already made the state the world's leading capital of solar energy. The state has made tremendous progress and I am fully confident that the people of Gujarat will again vote for Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chief Minister Bhupendrabhai Patel."
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